Setting Up The Perfect Campsite

The perfect campsite is easier to come by than you think. With a preplanning, preparation, and forethought you can easily have a campsite that is enjoyable to camp in and functional.

Lockhart state park

Keep Your Kids Happy

Keep your kids happy while you’re camping by choosing fun games and items to bring to your campsite. The perfect campsite is one that appeals to everyone and by always having items on hand that can keep the entire gang entertained, you can rest confident that everyone will have a good time. Some popular games that kids love are yard games like bowling and cornhole. Many companies sell these games in more compact forms so that they are easy to travel with, set up, and tear down.

Camping Organization

Organization is a key component of a fun camping trip. Knowing where things are and what the plan is is the best way to make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. After all, when you have such a small living space, it’s important to make sure everything has a home. Even your largest RV isn’t as large as an average apartment.

One of the keys to traveling in an RV and staying organized is just making sure that everything has a place. Most RV have extensive storage solutions. Keep your RVs in the most organized shape as possible by utilizing native storage. Choose pots and pans that stack and kitchen items that are collapsible.

Before you hit the road make sure everyone knows where stuff is and where to put it back.

Camping Storage Ideas

2021 Forest River RV Wildwood DLX 42QBQ

Coming up with creative storage ideas is the best way to make sure your camping experience is positive. Using storage containers to organize things like spices in your cabinets and shoes under your bed will help to free up space and keep things accessible. Figuring out how to creatively stack items is another great way to save space.


Interested in learning more about RVing? Stop in and speak with our sales team. We can walk you through units and share with you our extensive knowledge of RV travel, including how to navigate all four seasons should you want to vacation year-round.

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